dJAX Ad Server

The Power of Performance!

dJAX Ad Server Monetize your inventory.


Awesome features! DJAX Ad Server provides easy start and faster growing!

Ad Formats

Text Banner ad Text ads typically contain words which includes a link to the website along with a description or promotion of your product or service. Benefits of using text ads are cost effective, search engine friendly, etc.

Image Ads Image ads include text, images and animation with a link to the website. You can customize your layouts and background colors. Benefits are cost effective, easy to create & catch audience attention easily.

Frequency Capping

Helps the advertisers to improve the performance and reach of their online advertising campaigns. In short, Frequency capping allows the advertisers to limit the number of times a visitor seeks a specific ad, resulting in increased return to the advertiser for every ads.

Ready to buy? Sign in up now for Ad Serving and ad exchange integration!

Level 9 Raheja Towers, 26 MG Road, Bangalore, India - 560001
+1 408 786 5525